Today is: 18.02.2025
Current time: 05:10:09
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Ski-lift Penkavci vrch - skiing 1000 m a.s.l.
Snow situation: 30 cm > New snow: 5 cm > Type: powdery on 15.02.2025
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Czech Republic » east Krkonose » land register of the city Velka Upa II » a slope meadow, southeastern under Penkavci vrch peak (1105 m above the sea level)

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east Giant mountains: east partEnlarge the map
east Giant mountains: west part


  1. Walk from a car park Velka Upa along a blue marked turistic way to the mountain chalet Jana (2 km), from there go on 500 m north to the down ski-lift station. Superelevation is 200 m.
  2. Walk from a car park Spaleny Mlyn to the mountain chalet Jana (2,3 km), from there go on 500 m north to the down ski-lift station. Superelevation is 145 m.
  3. Use a chair-lift Portasky (Velka Upa), from its upper station go right down (or ski) along a yellow marked turistic way in the direction of the mountain chalet Jana (it's a forest road which goes gently down from the hill) - c. 10 minutes
Actual informations

+420 603 317 726

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